
We’re encouraging adults in isolation including those in hospital to find ways to change time into an opportunity and bring fresh ideas to help spark the imagination… This is now relevant to everyone in lock-down.

Given time, what can you create?

The Boredom Project‘ (Sep 2020) – Dr Tina Kendall with young people  ‘Boredom-19’

Things to do at home for the over-70s from Origami to Open University‘ – The Guardian – Dr Lizzie Burns

The Malady of Boredom BMJ Opinion (Nov 2018) – Jeremy Smith

Elephant in the ward: Boredom in hospitals‘ BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care (Aug 2018) – Dr Lizzie Burns

The ABC has featured in the British Medical Journal (March 2017) ‘Pass me an anti-boredom pill doctor’

The Times p3 (March 2017) ‘Origami would beat hospital tedium’

The Daily Telegraph (Aug 2017) ‘Doctor’s Diary: ‘Bored to death’

The Daily Mail (Sept 2017) ‘Why being bored in hospital could make your stay even longer…’

The Hippocratic Post (Oct 2016) ‘Medicine for the Mind’

Our mission

  • Raise awareness and understanding of boredom – the problem and how to overcome
  • Spark collaborative research into boredom in our society where people are isolated. What difference could opportunities make? In hospitals could counteracting boredom affect: pain, distress, mood, depression, fatigue, recovery, interactions with staff understanding and being able to care for yourself better? During the COVID-19 pandemic is boredom behind those seeking social gathering despite restrictions?
  • Create novel, inspiring and beautiful resources and ideas for adults
  • Change a culture…

Not just things to do – but things to inspire

Time is precious

Turn waiting into an opportunity… 

Combat loneliness – overcoming boredom and discovering creativity can bring people together, and change alone time into an opportunity to express your own thoughts and discover what you can do…

We don’t always know what will help us when we’re bored… we can all need a helping hand sometimes with some inspiration to pull us out of a pit of boredom…

We all have different things that interest us..  What would be your ‘Anti-boredom’?

AB booklet image

More will appear with funding…

In these times of COVID-19 – boredom is more relevant than ever. Can society recognise this as a suffering for many of us in isolation particularly with less opportunity and outside space? Boredom fuels risky behaviours so has this now become a public health issue?  We hope we can encourage recognition with ideas on how to help.

As part of creating inspiring resources to help; we have been creating drawings to encourage colouring-in for relaxation and learning thanks to the Royal College of Pathologists with ‘Incredible You‘, and recently with the British Immunology Society ‘Colour in Coronavirus‘. Lizzie is sharing weekly and live Origami folds each week in lock-down and set up a facebook group: ‘Join the fold: Origami to beat boredom’.

Prior to COVID-19 – we used images of viruses as a talking point in hospital to reveal ‘surprising beauty in nature’.  Images helped spark conversation and creativity in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford in Trauma and Dialysis and the Children’s Hospital School. ‘Viral Footprints‘ is a collaboration between Dr Lizzie Burns with Professor Philippa Matthews, University of Oxford funded by Wellcome, and supported by Ruth Charity, artlink.

“interesting conversation” “a sense of achievement”, “was feeling bored – mind wandering”, “felt a lot more happy putting my mind to something”, “something else to talk about”

Our hopes

Boredom lacks challenge and focus. We will seek funding to create good quality resources that are inspiring which can be downloaded, printed and used. We believe in creating challenging and novel material to spark the imagination of adults to bring dignity, respect and care during difficult times.

Encourage research and understanding, and help find ways to bring improvements to hospitals and homes.

Access for adults in hospital to some basic materials, and ideally a position job-shared by creative people to make a real difference to those in homes and hospitals.

We all need a direction…